Quick Links 0.2.0

Download: Fast, Fun, Awesome
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Addon for Firefox: Lets you add links to your favorite sites to your add-on bar from where you can quickly access the sites

Dear Developer,
Thanksfor taking your time and helping translate Quick Links

Languages we know now

  • English (United States)
  • Swahili
  • French

How To:

  1. Ensure Quick-Links is NOT
  2. already translated to your Language
  3. Downloadthe template .properties
  4. Wherever the words TRANSLATION appear, replace them with the appropriate translation
  5. Attach the translated .properties file to an email with it subject QUICK LINKS' TRANSLATION TO my language. Ensure you state the language here
  6. To get credit, include your name, email address and preferably your GitHub Username. This is optional
  7. Send off the email to gochomugo[dot]developer[at]gmail[dot]com
  8. Patiently wait to enjoy Quick Links in your Beautiful Language


Thanks again, for helping me do this.